Browsing 7239 questions and answers with Jon Skeet

Download Google.Protobuf/3.1.0 nuget packages to local machine using powershell

I have got this below script in below blog which will Download all nuget packages to my local server using power-shell script. I have used same script to download...
Jon Skeet
quotationmark isn't a feed URL base - that's a page for a specific package. It looks to me like this: $serviceBase = GetPackageUrl($feedUrlBase) $feedUrl = $serviceBase + "Packages" can just be... more 3/22/2017 1:35:43 PM


How to specify a datetime object as a Central Standard Time or other timezones not UTC in C#?

I am developing a web application where User calls to customers and Customer may be in different country so I need to consider timezone also. So I have two input controls like...
Jon Skeet

DateTime itself only has three kinds: Unspecified (no specific time zone) UTC Local (system-local) It doesn't have the notion of being in a specific non-UTC, non-local time zone. If you want to convert from one time zone to another,... more 3/20/2017 4:39:25 PM


Return HashSet<T> from HashSet of generic type in generic function

I've got a Dictionary<Type, HashSet<GenericType>> which I use to hold my data in, and I am trying to make a function that returns one of those HashSets given the...
Jon Skeet

I would just change the type of the dictionary, and cast inside your Get method. Definitely, definitely make your dictionary private though - then you can make sure that only your code (ideally only the Get method) can access it: // Any... more 3/19/2017 4:53:40 PM


Covert UTC Date String to SQL Timestamp using Java 8

I have a Date String in UTC format with Zone. I have to convert it into SQL Timestamp with +/- Zone into time using Java 8.0 E.g. 2016-10-14T10:12:18.000+02:00 needs to be...
Jon Skeet

Well currently you're not doing anything to convert the value - you're using a ZonedDateTime, so it's preserving the time zone (at least, the offset) that was provided. (I'd use OffsetDateTime for this rather than ZonedDateTime, as you... more 3/17/2017 4:51:21 PM


Building VS 2017 MSBuild csproj Projects with Mono on Linux

I have .NET Core projects I am trying to build using Travis CI on Mac and Linux using the latest Mono and .NET Core 1.0.1 tooling (MSBuild based csproj tooling). They target...
Jon Skeet

There are two options here, as far as I'm aware: Use the FrameworkPathOverride environment variable as described in this issue to point to them. Restrict your Travis build to only build against .NET Core. This is significantly simpler in... more 3/17/2017 3:23:42 PM


Failing to parse date in yyyyMMdd Hmm format using DateTime.TryParseExact()

I am getting my date time in a format like "20170317 630" which means 17 March 2017 6:30 am Here is the code block I am trying, but it is failing. var str = "20170317 0630"; var...
Jon Skeet

I'm not entirely surprised it's failing to parse that - I suspect it's greedily parsing the "63" and deeming that to be an invalid hour number. We have exactly the same problem in Noda Time - and I don't intend to fix it. Making this work... more 3/17/2017 2:27:21 PM


Simple Java array syntax which i'm confused over

public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] b = {{0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 1}}; int[] u = new int[b.length]; for...
Jon Skeet

b refers to an array of arrays. b.length returns how many elements b has - in other words, how many "nested" arrays you have. b[i].length returns how many elements b[i] has - in other words, the length of the nested array referred to by... more 3/17/2017 11:40:33 AM


cannot access class in the same package without adding to classpath

Project structure: ./src/com/example/ ./src/com/example/ package com.example; public class Test { public void testing() { Dog d = new...
Jon Skeet

The compiler will treat directories on the classpath as source root directories - in other words, when trying to find classes for package com.example, it will look for both class and source files in a com/example subdirectory from each... more 3/17/2017 7:24:23 AM


String was not recognized as a valid DateTime in c#?

I am write this code for date range filter in c# using linq.but getting like this error on my local code working very well but deploy on server getting error. here i...
Jon Skeet

You're using a method that depends on the current thread's current culture - and the system time zone. You'd be much better off using DateTime.ParseExact in my view, and potentially specifying a DateTimeStyles value to force the use of... more 3/15/2017 8:57:42 AM


Comparing two different timezone timespans using NodaTime

I have a requirement which I'm getting a little confused about. I started using NodaTime which I think is the best way to go. I have two users, User1 and User2 both in two...
Jon Skeet

Firstly, be aware that it could change each day: don't treat a time zone as a fixed offset. Secondly, be aware that the local time specified (for each of start/end) may not even happen, or may happen twice. Work out how you want to handle... more 3/14/2017 7:42:33 PM
