Browsing 7239 questions and answers with Jon Skeet
The warning exists because the C# compiler can handle foreach in a number of different ways. One of those ways is to find a GetEnumerator method with a suitable return type. That's checked before the compiler checks whether or not the type... more 8/15/2017 12:43:41 PM
This declaration: public static void FixRounding(this Vector3 v) ... means v is being passed by value, and it's a struct, assuming the documentation is correct. Therefore any changes you make to it won't be visible to the caller. You... more 8/14/2017 5:54:23 PM
Use OutputStreamWriter with a UTF-16 charset, wrapping a FileOutputStream opened with append=true. Alternatives, use Files.newBufferedWriter: try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter( Paths.of("filename.txt"), ... more 8/14/2017 3:26:27 PM
Basically, you can't do this because it's not safe. Suppose we have a concrete class derived from SomeBaseClass: public class SomeOtherSpecificClass {} Suppose we change your MethodB to: void MethodB(Callback<SomeBaseClass>... more 8/14/2017 11:10:19 AM
What am I doing here wrong? You're calling next() twice. The first call returns true, but presumably the second returns false - which makes sense, if your query only returns a single result. If you really want to print the value out... more 8/13/2017 5:37:41 PM
All you've got to do is change your anonymous class to use Iterator<Integer> instead of the raw type: return new Iterator<Integer>() { // Code here as before }; Imagine it had been written like this: public... more 8/13/2017 2:53:54 PM
I don't know if there's a way of doing it in a single step, but it looks like it should be easy to do in two steps: $ gsutil cp gs://example/123googlesearchconsoleexample.html . $ gcloud compute copy-files... more 8/13/2017 2:01:36 PM
Clearly, SerializeObject returns string then why json is dynamic type instead of string. Almost every operation involving a dynamic value is considered to be dynamic in turn. This includes method calls and most operators. The only... more 8/13/2017 1:45:06 PM
no other constructor can be invoked in that class ( i.e. it can't be overloaded). That's not true at all. The problem with your Two(int t, int y) constructor is that it doesn't chain to any constructor explicitly, meaning that there's... more 8/12/2017 1:12:34 PM
departHourse is a final variable. It has to be, in order to be used within the anonymous inner class. That means you can't assign a new value to it in the anonymous inner class. One way around that is to create a single-element array... more 8/12/2017 8:37:30 AM