c# access elements of list passed as object type

I want to access members of lists passed in as "object" (the function is handling other data types such as arrays as well). Unfortunately, while this works:

List<object> objectlist = new List<object> { "1", "2" };
object res = ((List<object>)((object)objectlist))[0];

this does not:

List<string> strlist = new List<string> { "1", "2" };
res = (string)((List<object>)((object)strlist))[0];

though it DOES work with arrays.

It does not appear to be possible to convert regular lists to List.

Is using reflection (but with GetMethods to avoid repeated string searches):

MethodInfo info = ((object)list).GetType().GetMethod("get_Item");
object s1 = (object)info.Invoke(((object)list), new object[] { 0 });

the only way to do this?

Jon Skeet

No, a List<string> isn't a List<object>... although it is an IEnumerable<object> due to generic covariance. However, a List<int> isn't even an IEnumerable<object> as covariance doesn't apply to value type type arguments. Fortunately, it is an IEnumerable.

So to get the first element of an arbitrary object which you know implements IEnumerable, I'd just use:

object first = ((IEnumerable) source).Cast<object>().First();

(Due to IEnumerator not implementing IDisposable, more "manual" ways of doing it end up being a bit fiddly.)


See more on this question at Stackoverflow