Reading result from linq select query

I have two list (A & B) both of the same custom type (shown below)

    id as string
    acidity as double
    region as string

I need to loop through list A and see if the id is in list B. If it is in list B I need to copy the region from list B to list A. What is the best way to do this? A simple example below,

List A             List B
id   region        id      region
abc                njp     EU
mno                plm     US
jkl                mno     US
                   abc     EU

Result I'm looking for

List A
id    region
abc   EU
mno   US

I am thinking of looping through each id in list A and using a linq query like below. However I have two issues,

 var reg = from b in B
 where A[i].id ==
 select b.Region;

I know the linq query above will return one value or no values. So how do I get the result into my A[i].Region variable? Also how can I deal if there is no result returned? Do I have to use a foreach even though I know there is only result at max?

Jon Skeet

Okay, it sounds like you probably want a join so that you can identify pairs, then you can copy the regions:

var query = from itemA in listA
            join itemB in listB on equals
            select new { itemA, itemB };

foreach (var pair in query)
    pair.itemA.Region = pair.itemB.Region;


See more on this question at Stackoverflow